Monday, April 20, 2020

Word 2000 Features Essay Example For Students

Word 2000 Features Essay Microcomputer Software PackagesSeptember 27, 2000Word 2000 FeaturesWhile you may think that you know all there is to know about using MicrosoftWord 2000 , you may be surprised to find out otherwise. Many people feel thatevery word-processing program is the same. In both professional and academicenvironments, you will be required to type reports, memos, etc. As a student anda business professional, it helps to know shortcuts and various ways offormatting and navigating through a word document. As shown in The ShellyCashman Series for Microsoft Word 2000 Introduction there are variousways to format documents effectively. The book gave illustrative instructions on various formatting functions suchas creating italicized words, using different fonts, paragraph formats, linespacing, auto correct feature, and the insertion of symbols. With all of thefeatures discussed it would be impossible to describe all of them in one paper. I personally found many of these features to be new shortcuts for myself as wellas a great learning experience. We will write a custom essay on Word 2000 Features specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now For example, Word provides an AutoCorrect feature that automatically correctssuch errors as grammar, capitalization, and spelling. These errors are correctedas we type them into a document . With this feature, even the worst Englishstudents can write a decent paper. Many people often rely on the auto correctfeature, which sometimes can be misleading. I say this because the auto correctfeature is not foolproof meaning that it does not recognizes every mistake madeby the person typing the document. Another feature in which I had learned from a previous computer class was theprocedure for inserting symbols into a document. I had gone through high schooland college not aware that Word was capable of inserting symbols into adocument. I had always received credit off of papers for failing to input thecopyright or trademark symbols when needed. With Word 200 you can insert manysymbols into a document such as a trademark symbol, copyright symbol, and even asmiley face. These symbols can be created by typing various formulas ofcharacters and letters. Some symbols can even be inserted by clicking Insert onthe menu bar, clicking symbol, clicking special characters tab, clicking thedesired symbol, then clicking the insert button. Again, there is usually a fewdifferent ways to format items in Word but it is what you prefer when it comesdown to the bottom line. In conclusion, we can see that Word is a unique and complex application thatrequires much training to completely understand. Improvements are continuouslybeing made and software is becoming outdated quicker than ever before. With thebasic knowledge of Word and understanding of a computer you can learn a lot. Thebest way to learn is to explore your computer and explore the features that Wordhas to offer. With the shortcuts that I have learned I can honestly say that Ican be a much more efficient and productive employee and student. Category: Technology

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